Selling April 5, 2023

Top 5 Focuses to Sell your Home fast in 2023

There are so many factors that come into play when you are trying to sell your home, beyond anything else in this blog it is extremely important to HIRE A REAL ESTATE AGENT.

There is a plethora of things that can go wrong if you try to sell FSBO (by yourself), or with an online agency. Hiring a professional local agent, who has a plan will save you not only with marketing your home, but they are there to represent you and negotiate contracts and keep you on top of your strict timelines to close on time and for the most money. Let them do their job, so that it is an easy transition for you and your family.


Your curb appeal will either make or break a sale. You want to make sure that a potential buyer likes what they see when they pull up to your home. A buyer usually has made up their mind on a home within the first 2 minutes of being there. You can save yourself so much headache during a sale by making little repairs before you ever list your home. This also will open up your buyer pool, both FHA and VA have strict policies on defects such as; pealing paint.

Here are a few things to keep in mind to bump up your curb appeal.



  • Clean and repair any chipping or peeling paint
  • Fix sagging gutters or downspouts
  • Remove leaves from the gutters
  • Pressure wash the house
  • Pressure wash the driveway
  • Clean the windows
  • Clean all outdoor light fixtures


Front Yard

  • Lay down fresh mulch
  • Mow the lawn
  • Pull weeds
  • Trim the shrubs and trees
  • Remove overgrown items
  • Edge the yard


Back Yard/Outdoor Amenities

  • Firepits
  • Outdoor kitchens
  • Decks or patios
  • Outdoor lighting
  • Exterior TVs or speakers



You want to make the best impression for potential buyers, you want them to feel comfortable in your home and be able to imagine themselves living there. It needs to be a sensory experience; feel, smell, see, hear. Walk through your own home with all of your senses, and that is what you potential buyers are experiencing. Make them want to be there.

  • Paint rooms in simple, neutral tones
  • Tone down kitchen floors and backsplashes when possible
  • Pick up clutter and store toys in totes
  • Pack away knick-knacks
  • Depersonalize: remove family pictures
  • Hide the PETS and their toys, beds, and dishes
  • Have a stager move furniture for best use of space
  • Tackle small repairs: leaks, cracks, stains, etc.



There is a lot of debate on pricing in this ever-changing market. There are agents that want to price low so that they receive multiple offers and can drive up the price with a bidding war, since an underpriced home attracts a lot of attention. There are homes that are priced too high for the market and sit there attracting little to no attention, this causes not only multiple and sometimes significant price drops, but it also extends the time the home is on the market. The longer a home sits, the easier it is forgotten. Several things happen at this point, one the home is no longer at the top of the pond the listing now sinks to the bottom and is not getting views as it’s no longet a NEW listing. Two, buyers begin to wonder what is wrong with it, even though nothing may be wrong with it at all. Three, the only way to get the attention back on the listing is to expire it, and then re-list so that it becomes a new listing again. This is an exhausting process, especially for you as a seller. The other way to tackle this is to PRICE IT RIGHT, get a good hold on what other homes are selling for in the area with similar amenities and layout and square footage etc. Price it right and it will sell fast.



Yes, the right price, the right curb appeal, and the right interior will get you far. Only as far as your marketing takes you. You want to have that ideal REAL ESTATE AGENT, who has a plan! Marketing with technology is huge these days, and to be on every platform. Statistics pulled in 2022 from the National Association of Realtors stated that 97% of buyers started their search for a home online.

Timing can be of the essence and summer is usually a hotter time than winter. However trying to plan for the market is the wrong strategy. It is the right time to buy or sell when you are ready to do so.

Hiring a professional photographer is key, making your home shine online is going to get those buyers in your door!

Here are a few other items that photographers are offering in their packages that really add value to a listing:

  • Drone Overhead Pictures
  • Drone videos
  • 3d Walkthroughs
  • Floor Plans


Hiring the right REAL ESTATE AGENT is going make this process easy, they are going to do the following so you don’t have to worry:

  • List your house on a Multiple Listing Service (MLS)
  • Add your listing to many ONLINE platforms for easy buyer searches
  • Include a virtual tour/Floor Plans/Videos (if requested)
  • Professional photographs
  • Write the perfect listing description to: Point out home features that appeal to a potential buyer’s lifestyle and emotions, capture all of the positive aspects to your home and property.


There are so many things that an AGENT can bring to the table to get your home sold fast and for the most money. All of the pricing on a home is directly related to Market Conditions, and Agents have the know how to navigate the changing market.

Reach out with any questions, as a licensed REALOR I am here to help!